How to choose your accountant?

Before choosing a chartered accountant, it is very important to know a few important concepts. A good accountant is one who is able to analyse problems and carry out operations in the required time. So how do you go about selecting your trusted accountant?

What are the missions of an accountant?

The main role of a chartered accountant in a company is to record the flow of transactions, for example, drawing up the business's financial statements, annual accounts, entering invoices, etc. These operations must be recorded chronologically so that the profit that the corporation makes can be closely monitored. In addition, good management of the flow of money in and out of the business allows the manager to know whether the earnings result in a profit or a loss. On the other hand, in relation to his/her missions, an accountant has the duty to advise the company in case of difficulty and also to study the balance sheet, the profit and loss account at the end of each financial year, the tax and social security declarations. In short, he/she is often responsible for the administration and preparation of all financial statements.

Is calling on an accountant necessary for a company?

At first sight, the evolution of a company does not only depend on material or financial means, but also on human resources that are able to analyse the different situations within. Therefore, it is advisable to turn to a professional firm to be certain of the choice made and ensure good analytical capacity. Indeed, a good accountant should be a person who is able to do the work according to the rules and within a certain time. In other words, the time taken to complete the work should not exceed the predetermined deadlines. In this way, he/she could help the manager to handle the business' results in a correct manner and to update the records.

How to choose the right accountant?

It is not easy to choose a chartered accountant, as he or she intervenes in various fields such as asset management, economics, legal, tax, social, etc. In other words, his or her mission is to first study the financial situation of the company. In this case, calling on an accountant is to be favoured. But what are the rules to be aware of in order not to make the mistake of going for the wrong accountant? Whether it is the company or the chartered accountant, compliance with the regulations relating to chartered accountancy is an essential point to check when carrying out the financial work, since this professional's mission is mainly based on legal structures, forms and documents.

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