How to update your product information in real-time?

If you want a quick and easy way to buy goods, and as the relationship between your customers and your products improves, you need to look closely at the reasons for any barriers to ensure that you have good quality in the products you sell. The priority is then to update your product information. Here are the tips to do so.

PIM: optimising your product information management

According to statistical research, 87% of today's consumers start their product search online. The rise of digital media has given buyers the ability to switch between multiple channels (offline or online) to find as much information as possible about a product: e-commerce websites, shops, printed or digital catalogues, etc. Although the customer journey has become more complex, buyers want consistent and accurate information, regardless of the channel they use. Increasingly popular with businesses, Product Information Management (PIM) software has become an essential means of meeting buyers' demands. Such solutions allow you to provide your customers with consistent and accurate product information at all stages of their journey. So how does PIM help to deliver a unique product experience to your clients? To know the answer to this question, visit Goaland, the ultimate product experience management platform.

PIM solutions are vital to your marketing strategy

PIM (Product Information Management) is a piece of software designed to improve the management of all marketing and technical information in your product catalogue. PIM has many benefits: - To group and gather your product data: Its updates can be delivered directly to all distribution channels without the risk of being forgotten or mishandled. - To highlight and make the product offer more visible PIM can also provide marketing information or media files (such as arguments, videos, etc.) that highlight the product, but it can also contain very detailed technical information (packaging, measurements, ingredients, materials, etc.)

Updating product information: which PIM tool should you choose?

There are free and open-source PIM versions such as Pimcore or Akeneo. The former version is 100% open-source and has no licence or subscription fees. In addition, it provides both a PIM and an integrated DAM. A for the Akeneo PIM, it is essentially an open-source solution, but a commercial version with more advanced features is also available. Other well-known PIM software, such as Quable or Contentserv, are not free of charge, but offer customised demos. Indeed, you will find their interface and functions suitable to product catalogue management and multi-channel distribution. Note that you can request a demo directly from their website.

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